
In 英语 6, students explore the theme of coming of age in literature. 通过使用语法练习, 写作提示, 以及课程文本, students develop a deeper understanding of how to convey their ideas both verbally and through their writing. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop critical thinking skills through reading and writing, and learn the proper mechanics for research-based writing.

In 英语 7, students learn to appreciate the roots of literature. 通过使用各种体裁, students develop a deeper understanding of the diverse forms fiction can take, from graphic novels to medieval epic poetry. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop critical thinking skills through reading and writing, and learn the proper mechanics for research-based writing.

英语 8: Survey of Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
英语 8 introduces students to non-fiction texts as they continue to study literature. Students are introduced to major authors and various genres to prepare for the 上学校 英语 curriculum. Non-fiction texts are connected to other disciplines and relate thematically to the fiction works students are reading. Students will continue working on responding to texts in their writing and answering specific prompts in a 5-paragraph essay format. Students learn to create a strong argument from supporting evidence with citations from texts or research. 另外, students continue to work on grade-appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills in this course.

This course focuses on building strong paragraph writing skills as a precursor to formal, 高水平论文写作. Students learn how to create a strong topic sentence, locate and provide supporting details and write effective concluding statements. 整个学期, students develop their well-created paragraphs into short essays, which will help prepare them for other interdisciplinary writing pieces. (1 term; required).

In 写7, students focus on the structure of a well-developed essay. Students learn how to create attention-grabbing introductions (“hooks”) with strong thesis statements. They also work on building transitions between paragraphs to improve the flow of their writing. 在学期结束前, students will be able to write a complete, five-paragraph essay with a convincing thesis statement, proper evidence and supporting details. (1 term; required).

This course introduces students to MLA format required to complete all of their current and future writing assignments. Incorpo比n of direct quotations from the texts and a completion of a works-cited page are stressed. Students practice and master the art of creating strong introductions and conclusions, 编辑和修改他们的文章. (1 term; required).

6:历史 地理位置
Designed to introduce students to the study of geography, this course helps students master important concepts in physical and human geography. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they investigate the Earth’s physical and human diversity; analyze population and settlement patterns and evaluate the ways that human activities modify the physical environment. While studying humans around the world, 学生比较发展, 生活水平, 政府体制, 以及全球的经济因素. 除了, students gain a rich understanding of global cultures and the historical factors that have shaped the world around them.

历史 7: United States 历史 (Early AmerIndian to 1865)
两年制课程的第一阶段, students will explore the critical events, 问题, and individuals in United States 历史 through the Civil War. The course begins with a study of the rich and diverse history of the Native peoples of the Americas, and the changes wrought by the explo比n and colonization by Europeans. Major units include the colonial period, the American Revolution, the role of the U.S. Constitution in the birth and growth of a democratic republic, 西进运动的结果, and the struggles of the Civil War and Reconstruction. All units include an examination of the impact of economics, 政治, and social history on the development of the United States. Students will continue to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through primary and secondary source readings, 课堂讨论, project-based learning and independent research.

历史8:美国历史 (1865 – 2001)
两年课程的第二阶段, students will closely examine major economic, political and social changes brought about by the U.S.美国内战后的重建, 工业化, 城市化, and progressive reforms and will consider the implications each of these events had on the expansion of the United States’ global influence through modern times. Course content encourages students to think carefully about the challenges and opportunities facing the United States in the 21st century. Students will continue to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through primary and secondary source readings, 课堂讨论, project-based learning and independent research.


This course introduces 中学 students to the crafts of Studio Art through one-term courses. The students are grouped by grade into small, intimate teams of explorers. They learn to take risks and challenge themselves to share their unique perspective through art. Students will examine the major concepts of studio art. They begin with drawing then move on to explore painting and various other media of their choice. While learning and improving their technical skills, 学生学习线的概念, 空间关系, 创造性表达. Students will progress from the cornerstone of art (drawing) through to printmaking. All middle school students enroll in this course sequence.

This course is designed to introduce 中学 students to the art of theatre, specifically through musical theatre performance. Students learn the fundamentals of vocal production, movement, acting, and performance technique. 在整个排练过程中, students will discover and develop their skills and showcase what they have learned during a final performance. All middle school students enroll in this course.

This project-driven and research-based exploratory course introduces 中学 students to various topics in the field of STEM. In this hands-on course, students will learn to work cooperatively to overcome various challenges.  Topics covered range from aviation and rocketry to reusable energy, 地质, 和天文学, 编程与计算机科学, 机器人, 3 d打印技术, 和更多的.  This course will be an open learning course, meaning while there are some designated topics for study throughout the year, students will be given the chance to determine additional topics which they want to learn.

As our 6th grade students arrive excited to start middle school, 数学6 introduces them to middle school math in fun and exciting ways. The purpose of 数学6 is to enhance basic math skills that were taught throughout elementary school and allow students the time to become comfortable with and master these skills. Students explore topics such as number sense and ope比ns, 使用公式, 解决问题, 基本几何, 解释图表和数据.

All units of study for 数学7 coincide with the core content for assessment for middle grade mathematics. The major units of study for this course are: Integers, 表达式和操作, 因子和分数, 有理数, 方程与不等式, 比, 比例, 百分比, 功能, 线性方程, 和图形绘制. Students who excel in 数学7 may be exempted from 数学8 and have the option to enroll in Algebra I. 先决条件:数学6.

Students are enrolled in 数学8 to solidify the foundation needed to excel in Algebra I. This yearlong course focuses on the number system, 表达式和方程, 功能, 几何原理, 二元统计. Students who excel in Pre-Algebra may be exempted from 数学8 and have the option to enroll in Algebra I. 前提条件:数学7级合格.

Sixth-grade science students begin their Knox careers as “mini-scientists.课堂时间包括教学, 实践活动和实验, and group projects that allow students to be introduced to the basics of chemistry and physics. Students also study and experiment with the fundamental laws of motion, allowing them to define the movement of universal forces such as gravity, 加速度, 和摩擦. The successful completion of the course prepares the sixth-grade students for their future science courses.

This fundamental introduction to life sciences increases seventh-grade students’ awareness of the natural world and introduces them to basic principles of scientific inquiry. 这门课程涵盖了各种各样的主题, starting with microscopic cells and building to the larger principles of the ecology and natural systems. 在整个课程中, students will be utilizing the basic principles of scientific inquiry and lab experiments as a means to prepare them for later courses of study.

全年, eighth-grade students engage in a variety of activities designed to introduce them to the larger-than-life processes that influence everything from tides, to the destructive volcanoes of the Ring of Fire. The course covers a wide array of topics, including the geological processes that shaped the world around us, and the astronomical processes of the universe. Upon successful completion of the middle-school science sequence, students are well-prepared to enter the 上学校 and succeed in the sciences.

博彩网址大全学校 体育课 class is designed to ensure our student athletes have the opportunity to maintain mental and physical health. Each student athlete will be required to take a yearly fitness test as a starting point to measure their ability and, 更重要的是, to set goals as to where they want to be in the future in regard to their athletic ability. 博彩网址大全学校 体育课 Class will also be designed to introduce and prepare student athletes to learn and compete in the sports offered at 博彩网址大全学校 regardless of the knowledge that they had beforehand.

This survey course is designed for 6th and 7th grade students to explore three languages over the course of the academic year: Spanish, 中国人, 和法国. 他们对每种语言的接触, 虽然只有一个月的时间, introduces them to basic linguistic skills such as vocabulary building, 发音, forming simple sentences and questions, 听力理解, 识别汉字. Students also develop insight into the cultures of the various countries linked to these languages. This course gives students the opportunity to discover which language they would like to continue studying beginning in 8th grade at level I and continuing throughout their education at Knox.